
Showing posts from September, 2020

HOME: A Safe "Mult-Purpose" Haven

Is your home a "multi-purposed" haven? When we hear the word "haven" associated with home, we immediately think "safe haven". Yes, we want our homes to be a place of protection and shelter. Honestly, our homes are so much more. If you have children, your home may be a playland for them. Pre-pandemic, If you opened up your homes to family and friends, your home might have been "the spot" [to hang out]. When you need your quiet time, your home is your sabbatical.

Nurturing Your Child For Greatness

How and what can we do to keep our children on a path destined for greatness and not drowning in a sea of trouble? Let’s start at the moment your child is conceived. Make an appointment with your OB-GYN as soon as possible. This is something that both the husband and wife can attend together. Ask pertinent questions that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle for you and your unborn child. Ask yourself, “How should my diet change now that I am pregnant? What other nutrients do I need for a healthy pregnancy? What can I do to avoid or minimize pregnant related illnesses? How much weight am I expected to gain?" These are just a few questions you can ask during this crucial stage of your child’s destiny.

National Suicide Prevention Week

September is National Suicide Prevention month. September 6-12, 2020 is National Suicide Prevention Week, with September 10 being World Suicide Prevention Day. Let's Jump start this week with things that we can do to help ourselves and others that have contemplated suicide. If you or someone you know is having suicidal ideations, let’s be diligent in educating ourselves on the warning signs, and seek help. We are worth it. Risk Factors and Warning Signs DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed professional. Information contained in this blog does not constitute, substitute, nor replace the professional advice of a qualified, certified practitioner or counselor. If you are experiencing severe emotional or mental distress, seek professional help immediately. If you are in emotional despair, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available. Pick of the phone and call 1-800-273-8255. Someone is available around the clock to provide you with encouragement and resources to help you get to a place o